Top 30 Things You Should Never Do During Your Trip to The United States of America as a UAE Resident

Traveling to the United States from the UAE is an exciting and eye-opening experience. The next step after getting a US visa from UAE will be to understand more about traveling to the USA. Whether you’re planning a leisurely vacation or a business trip, it’s essential to be aware of certain cultural differences and avoid any potential missteps during your journey. In this blog post, we will explore the things not to do during the USA trip for UAE residents. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable US trip.

1. Don’t forget your necessary travel documentation:

Ensure you have a valid passport, visa, and any other required documents before departing. If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents.

Must Read: How to get US tourist visa from dubai, B1 and B2 Visa

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget your necessary travel documentation

2. Don’t underestimate the size of the country:

Plan your itinerary accordingly, considering the vast distances between cities and attractions. You can save your budget and time with proper planning for cities to visit and local attractions.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't underestimate the size of the country

3. Don’t forget to tip:

Tipping is prevalent in the US, so make sure to research and adhere to the customary tipping practices. As per US norms, it is customary to tip 15% or more of the bill, based on the quality of service. If you receive exceptional service, 20-25%.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to tip

4. Don’t assume everyone speaks Arabic:

English is the primary language in the US, so some knowledge of basic English phrases can be helpful. It will be easy to communicate with if you learn English.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't assume everyone speaks Arabic

5. Don’t ignore traffic rules:

Familiarize yourself with local driving laws, including speed limits and road signs, before getting behind the wheel. The US is very strict about traffic rules. If you break any rule you need to pay high charges.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't ignore traffic rules

6. Don’t neglect travel insurance:

Medical costs can be high in the US, so having travel insurance is crucial to safeguard yourself from unexpected expenses. Travel insurance can also help in case of baggage loss or any other losses during your travel depending on your insurance coverage. Travel insurance is also a must document while applying for a US tourist visa from Dubai.

Suggested Read: Where to go on your first trip to the USA from the UAE

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't ignore travel insurance

7. Don’t show excessive public displays of affection:

While modest displays of affection are generally acceptable in the United States, avoid overly intimate or explicit actions in public. The police can issue fines and arrest you for certain acts of excessive PDA.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't show excessive public display of affection

8. Don’t overlook cultural diversity:

The United States has more cultural diversity than any other nation on earth. The US is a multicultural society with various customs and traditions. Respect and embrace the diversity you encounter.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't overlook cultural diversity

9. Don’t Drink and Drive:

It is highly dangerous for you, your fellow passengers, pedestrians, and other vehicles on the road if you drink and drive. This can cause serious damage to someone’s life and property. You will be charged a huge fine for the same.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't drink and drive

10. Don’t forget to apply for an ESTA:

The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is mandatory for citizens of the UAE traveling to the US under the Visa Waiver Program.

Must Read: Ultimate guide to nailing US tourist visa interview for UAE Residents

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to apply for an ESTA

11. Don’t forget to research local customs:

Different regions have distinct cultural norms and expectations. Familiarize yourself with local customs to avoid unintentional cultural misunderstandings. Do not end up in trouble or find yourself in a sticky situation with the locals or authorities in the USA.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to research local customs

12. Don’t engage in public arguments or confrontations:

Maintain composure and refrain from getting involved in public altercations, as this can escalate quickly. As a visitor enjoy the local attractions and try to be away from getting involved in any type of legal or public issues.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't engage in public arguments and confrontations

13. Don’t underestimate distances and travel times:

Plan your daily activities accordingly, considering traffic and distance between destinations, to avoid rushing or missing out on experiences. Choose public and private transport wisely to manage your travel schedule in the US.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't underestimate distances and travel times

14. Don’t litter:

Keep the environment clean by disposing of trash appropriately and recycling whenever possible. Proper disposal of waste is not only good for you but for the whole environment. Respect the environment by saving its resources with limited use or recycling.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't litter

15. Don’t presume all states have the same laws:

Each state in the US may have differing regulations regarding alcohol, smoking, cannabis, etc. Research and follow local laws accordingly. It’s better to make yourself aware of local laws before starting your US trip.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't presume all states have same laws

16. Don’t engage in illegal activities:

Drug use, possession, and trafficking are strictly prohibited in the US and can result in severe consequences. You will be charged huge fine or even imprisonment for such illegal activities.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't engage in illegal activities

17. Don’t neglect personal safety:

Stay vigilant, particularly in crowded areas, and keep your valuables secure to avoid theft or pickpocketing. Moreover not wearing a seatbelt and talking on the phone while driving could also land you in major trouble such as heavy penalties or even lawsuits.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't neglect personal safety

18. Don’t ignore the diversity of cuisine:

The US offers a multitude of culinary experiences. Try different types of cuisine to savor the diverse flavors of the country. Trying local cuisine is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the area you’re visiting. The food reflects a region’s culture, history, traditions, and bout the people of the country.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't ignore the diversity of cuisine

19. Don’t forget to pack light and accordingly for the weather:

The US experiences varying climates throughout the year, so pack clothing suitable for the season and your planned activities. Don’t pack heavy baggage, if you are a solo traveler it will be hard for you to carry your luggage.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to pack light according to weather

20. Don’t be late:

Punctuality is highly valued in the US. Show respect by arriving on time for appointments, meetings, and tours. If you are going to meet your friends, or relatives in the US or even prepare for a scheduled tour try to be there on time.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't be late

21. Don’t forget to research local emergency contact information:

Familiarize yourself with emergency helpline numbers in the areas you plan to visit. Mainly you must know emergency numbers for police, medical, and ambulance for any type of emergency that can happen. The US is very prompt in providing emergency services, only you need to keep these numbers with you and use them on time.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to research local emergency contact information

22. Don’t invade others personal space:

As a tourist don’t disregard the personal space of the locals. Don’t touch someone or their things without their permission. Unless the person in front of you initiates a handshake or leans in for a hug maintain a proper physical distance between yourself and them to avoid making them uncomfortable. Use golden words “Please”, “Sorry”, “Excuse Me” and “Thank You” wherever possible in public places.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't invade other's personal space

23. Don’t ignore safety guidelines while exploring national parks:

When visiting national parks, follow the safety instructions provided, respect wildlife, and stay on designated trails. Don’t touch plants, animals, or birds, and don’t feed them without prior permission during your visit to these parks.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't ignore safety guidelines while exploring national parks

24. Don’t forget to check if your electrical devices need adapters:

When visiting national parks, follow the safety instructions provided, respect wildlife, and stay on designated trails. Don’t touch plants, animals, or birds, and don’t feed them without prior permission during your visit to these parks.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to check if your electrical devices need adapters

25. Don’t shy away from asking for help or directions:

Americans are generally helpful and friendly, so don’t hesitate to seek assistance if needed. The USA is a tourist-friendly country. You will have no trouble exploring most of the country’s tourist destinations in case you need help regarding directions to your destination.

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Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't Shy away from asking for help or directions

26. Don’t forget to inform your bank:

To avoid any issues with your credit or debit cards, inform your bank about your travel plans and destinations. This will allow you to continue using your credit cards and debit cards without the fraud detection on your accounts being triggered, preventing you from using your cards.

Must Read: What is a Travel Credit Card?

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to inform your bank

27. Don’t carry excessive amounts of cash:

Ensure you only carry the necessary amount of cash for your daily expenses and keep it secure. If you lose cash or stolen, it will be very difficult for you to recover from this loss. It’s liable to attract undue attention from law enforcement who will assume that you are engaged in illegal activity. So, it’s always better to keep just a few hundred dollars with you as cash.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't carry excessive amount of cash

28. Don’t forget to experience local events and festivals:

Immerse yourself in American culture by attending local events and festivals that may be happening during your visit. Pride New York, New Orleans, Madri Grass, Burning Man, and so on… There is a huge list of festivals and events in the USA. If you come across any of these events during your US visit, you must surely attend and enjoy them.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't forget to experience local events and festivals

29. Don’t talk loudly in public places:

Be mindful of your volume when speaking in public areas to respect the privacy of others. Rude and obscene gestures are also not at all accepted in USA. It not only reflects yourself or your home country but it also hurts the sentiments of people in front of you.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't talk loudly in public places

30. Don’t try to see the whole USA in one trip:

Many people underestimate the vastness of America. It is practically impossible to cover everything during your first visit to the USA. Don’t tire yourself rushing from one place to another. Enjoy your trip to the USA meeting new people, landmarks, and cuisines, and exploring new cultures.

Things Not to Do During The USA Trip for UAE Residents - Don't try to the whole USA in one trip


By keeping in mind these things not to do during the USA trip for UAE residents, you will be better prepared to navigate local customs, respect cultural differences, and ensure a wonderful and enriching travel experience. Usually visiting the USA there are not many rules that one has to follow. You just have to follow the law of the land and be aware of the social norms. Now as you are aware of the things not to do in the USA, we wish you a very happy and adventurous trip to the USA! Contact us for further US travel assistance.

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