A Comprehensive Guide To Get a Schengen Visa for Domestic Helper From UAE

Are you planning a holiday from the UAE to Europe and want to bring your nanny along? Great idea! Having your nanny with you can make your trip smoother and more enjoyable for the whole family. But before you can embark on your European adventure, you’ll need to secure a Schengen visa for your nanny. Don’t worry, though – we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide to getting a Schengen visa for nannies from UAE. Get the complete process into simple steps, ensuring a hassle-free holiday with your nanny by your side.

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Understanding the Schengen Visa:

Let’s talk about what a Schengen visa is and why you should apply for your nanny to travel to Europe with you. A Schengen visa allows its holder to enter, freely travel within, and leave the Schengen Area – a zone comprising 29 European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border control at their mutual borders. In simpler terms, it’s like a golden ticket that grants access to a multitude of European destinations.

Why Your Nanny Needs a Schengen Visa:

Now, you might be wondering why your nanny needs a Schengen visa if she’s accompanying you on holiday. Well, the Schengen visa requirement applies to anyone who is not a citizen of a Schengen Area country and wishes to visit these countries for tourism, business, or other purposes. So, even though your nanny will be traveling with you as part of your family, she still needs to obtain a Schengen visa to enter Europe legally.

Documents Required to Apply for Your Nanny’s Schengen Visa from UAE

  1. Application form: A completely filled application form with correct details, dated and signed by the applicant.
  2. Passport Photographs: A recent passport-size photo not older than 6 months.
  3. Valid Passport: Your nanny must possess a valid passport with a validity of at least three months beyond the intended duration of stay in the Schengen Area.
  4. Proof of employment status: Her employment contract, recent pay slips, and a letter confirming her employment status and purpose of travel. These documents demonstrate her stable employment and help facilitate the visa process for her European trip.For some countries, like Spain, Hungary, and others, there is an important requirement that a nanny should have been under your employment for at least six months and in some countries even for over a year before the application. This must be supported by her current or previous residence visas.
  5. Proof of Financial Means: The nanny or domestic helper must be sponsored directly by the family he/she intends to travel as per the employment contract to be submitted. If the employee is sponsored by an agency, the contract stipulated by the employer and the sponsoring agency must be submitted.
  6. Flight and Hotel Reservations: The domestic helper or nanny must travel accompanied by one family member at least. For this purpose, the full name of the family member must be mentioned on the flight tickets or confirmed flight bookings together with the full name of the domestic employee.You’ll need to provide a round-trip flight reservation and a prepaid hotel reservation covering the entire duration of your nanny’s stay in the Schengen area.
  7. Travel Insurance: Your nanny must have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and repatriation, with a minimum coverage of €30,000.
  8. Travel Itinerary: Detail travel plan for your nanny with you throughout your stay in Europe including information on means of transport.It is advisable to check the official website of VFS Global as Some Schengen countries have some extra requirements for nanny visas. You can also hire an expert consultant at Travnook to guide you more on your nanny’s Schengen visa application from UAE.

Understanding the Schengen Visa Application Process For Your Nanny:

Now that you’re familiar with the document requirements, let’s walk through the steps involved in applying for a Schengen visa for your nanny:

1.    Identify the Embassy or Consulate

Determine which Schengen Area country you’ll be visiting or spending the most time in during your holiday. Your nanny will need to submit her visa application to the Embassy or Consulate of that country.

2.    Complete the Application Form:

Your nanny will need to fill out the Schengen visa application form accurately and truthfully. Make sure she provides all the required information and double-checks for any errors before submission.

3.    Gather Required Documents:

Help your nanny collect the necessary documents to support her visa application as we mentioned in the above section.

4.    Schedule an Appointment:

Contact the relevant Embassy or Consulate to schedule an appointment for your nanny’s visa application submission. Advise her to do this well in advance to secure a convenient date and time.

5.    Attend the Appointment:

On the day of the appointment, your nanny should arrive punctually and bring all the required documents. She may also be interviewed by a consular officer who will inquire about the purpose of her trip and her ties to the UAE.

6.    Pay the Visa Fee:

There is a non-refundable fee for processing the Schengen visa application. Make sure your nanny has the correct amount in the required currency and is prepared to pay at the time of submission.

7.    Await the Decision:

After submitting the visa application, your nanny will need to wait for the Embassy or Consulate to process it. The processing time may vary, but she can typically expect a decision within a few weeks.

Also Read: USA Visa for Nannies to take your UAE nanny to USA on Vacation

Tips for a Successful Schengen Visa Application for Nannies:

To increase the likelihood of your nanny’s visa application being approved, consider the following tips:

1.    Apply Early:

Initiate the visa application process well in advance of your planned travel dates to allow sufficient processing time.

2.    Provide Accurate Information:

Ensure that all information provided in the visa application form and supporting documents is accurate and truthful.

3.    Organize Documents:

Help your nanny organize her documents neatly and present them in the order specified by the Embassy or Consulate.

4.    Dress Appropriately:

Advise your nanny to dress smartly and conservatively for her visa appointment to make a positive impression.

5.    Be Prepared for Questions:

Prepare your nanny for the possibility of being interviewed by a consular officer and encourage her to answer questions confidently and honestly.

6.    Follow Up if Necessary:

If your nanny hasn’t received a decision within the expected timeframe, she should not hesitate to follow up with the Embassy or Consulate to inquire about the status of her application.

Suggested Read: How to get fastest Schengen visa from Dubai


Securing a Schengen visa for your nanny to accompany you on holiday from the UAE to Europe may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and preparation, it’s entirely achievable. By understanding the requirements, guiding your nanny through the application process, and providing support along the way, you can ensure that she obtains the necessary visa to join you on your European adventure. So, don’t let the visa process deter you from bringing your nanny along – start planning your holiday today! Contact us to get an expert visa and travel assistance to Europe from our team at Travnook.

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Schengen Visa for Nannies

Q: Can my nanny travel independently with the Schengen visa?
A: No, your nanny should travel with you or join you during your travels as per the terms of the Schengen visa. Traveling independently without you may lead to complications or questions at immigration checkpoints.

Q: Does my nanny need to apply for the Schengen visa from the same country as me?
A: Ideally, your nanny should apply for the Schengen visa from the same country where you are applying. However, if you are traveling to multiple Schengen countries, you may need to coordinate with the embassy or consulate of the main destination country.

Q: What should I do if my nanny’s Schengen visa application is denied?
A: If your nanny’s Schengen visa application is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision or reapply with additional supporting documents. It’s essential to carefully review the reasons for the denial and address any concerns in your subsequent application.

Q: Can I sponsor a Schengen visa for more than one nanny?
A: It may be possible to sponsor Schengen visas for multiple nannies if you have a legitimate need for their assistance during your travels. However, you will need to provide appropriate justification and supporting documents for each nanny’s visa application.

Q: How long does it take to process a Schengen visa for my nanny?
A: The processing time for a Schengen visa application can vary depending on the embassy or consulate and other factors. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel date to allow for sufficient processing time.

Q: Can my nanny work in Schengen countries with the Schengen visa?
A: No, the Schengen visa issued to your nanny is typically for the purpose of accompanying you during your travels and does not allow them to work in Schengen countries.

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